sanlagn karana example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
It can be made an authentic activity if students are given a couple of minutes during the morning assembly to speak to their fellow-pupils about such a person.
Mangaraj fools this couple and puts them into his debt so that he can take over their land.
The intelligent heroine rejects him and chooses Madhavan, the educated and handsome Nayar as her husband, and the young couple move to Madras, where Madhavan joins the civil service.
When she arrives at work in Bangalore, a couple of hours later, she notices that a message awaits her.Latest संलग्न करना sanlagn karana news and headlines :
1. डाक में संबंधित समस्या, खाता संख्या, पीपीओ संख्या जरूरी दस्तावेज संलग्न करना होगा bhaskar.comGiven are the examples of hindi word sanlagn karana usage in english sentences. The examples of sanlagn karana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., couple, attach.
Barring the office boys and a couple of clerks, everybody else at the Studios radiated leisure, a pre-requisite for poetry.
It can be made an authentic activity if students are given a couple of minutes during the morning assembly to speak to their fellow-pupils about such a person.
Mangaraj fools this couple and puts them into his debt so that he can take over their land.
The intelligent heroine rejects him and chooses Madhavan, the educated and handsome Nayar as her husband, and the young couple move to Madras, where Madhavan joins the civil service.
But it occurred to him that if the fine gentleman thought he was an old acquaintance, he might perhaps throw him a couple of kronor.
After the marriage registration, the newly-married couple leaves the guests for a tour of the city sights.
After two or three hours of the city tour the couple arrives at the reception.
The couple sits at a specially arranged table with their family, friends and invited guests.
I indulge myself mindlessly: buy a bar of marzipan, a cornon- the-cob roasted in a charcoal brazier on the pavement (rubbed with salt, chilli powder and lemon); a couple of love story comics, and even a Reader's Digest.
संबंधित शब्द संलग्न करना के पर्यायवाची संलग्न करना के विपरीत शब्द